
Publications by Ronald Cornet

(Full papers; Proceedings; Reports; Theses; Other)

Publications from within dept. of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam (since 1996) & dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Linköping (2013-2017)

2025 2026 top 2024
  1. Turner MA, Kalra D, Cornet R, Palmeri A, Sen A, Owen J, Pansieri C, Lee J, Hedley V, Nally S, Bonifazi F, Leary R, Straub V
    Paediatric-specific content in data standards for health
    Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2025; ... . doi

  2. van Heerde M, Cornet R
    Preparing for ICD-11: Exploring the Current Use of ICD-10 in Dutch Hospital Mortality and Morbidity Coding
    In: Proceedings of MIE 2025, Glasgow (2025), Stud Health Technol Inform. 2025;...:...-.... doi

  3. Kersloot MG, Jetten M, Nylinder S, Schoots F, Cornet R
    The FAIR Lesson Plan Handbook: Open Educational Resources for FAIR Training
    In: Proceedings of MIE 2025, Glasgow (2025), Stud Health Technol Inform. 2025;...:...-.... doi

  4. Glaser SLC, Fraterman I, van Brummelen N, Tibollo V, Del Campo LM, Mallo H, Wilgenhof S, Wilk S, Gisko V, Khadakou V, Cornet R, Ottaviano M, Medlock SK
    Usability and Usefulness of a Symptom Management Coaching System for Cancer Patients treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: a Comparative Mixed-Methods Study
    JMIR Formative Research 2025. doi

  5. de Groot R, Glaser S, Kogan A, Medlock SK, Alloni A, Gabetta M, Wilk S, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    ATC-to-RxNorm mappings – a comparison between OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies and UMLS Metathesaurus
    Int J Med Inf 2025;195:105777. doi

2024 2025 top 2023
  1. Cornet R, Gillis J, Distelbrink R, Verhoeven J, Chon H
    Realisatie uitwisseling en beschikbaarheid van laboratoriumgegevens met Eenheid van Taal - Onderzoek naar implementatie van LOINC in Nederland
    Ministerie van VWS, 2024. pdf

  2. Fraterman I, Sacchi L, Mallo H, Tibollo V, Glaser SLC, Medlock SK, Cornet R, Gabetta M, Hisko V, Khodakou V, Barkan E, Del Campo L, Glasspool D, Kogan A, Lanzola G, Leizer R, Ottaviano M, Peleg M, Śniatała K, Lisowska A, Wilk S, Parimbelli E, Quaglini S, Rizzo M, Locati LD, Boekhout A, van de Poll-Franse LV, Wilgenhof S
    Exploring the impact of the multimodal CAPABLE eHealth intervention on health-related quality of life in melanoma patients undergoing immune-checkpoint inhibition: A prospective pilot study
    JMIR Cancer 2025;11:e58938. doi

  3. Zhang SX, Cornet R, Benis N
    Cross-Standard Health Data Harmonization using Semantics of Data Elements
    Scientific Data 2024;11(1):1407. doi

  4. de Groot R, van der Graaff F, van der Doelen D, Luijten MAJ, De Meyer R, Alrouh H, van Oers HA, Tieskens JM, Zijlmans J, Bartels M, Popma A, de Keizer NF, Cornet R, Polderman TJC
    Implementing Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) Principles in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research: Mixed Methods Approach
    JMIR Mental Health 2024;11:e59113. doi

  5. Leary R, Allison D, Cogoni S, Cornet R, Roos M, Davies E, Schoser B, Kahtava K, Ezzamouri B, Straub V
    Introducing PaLaDIn: improving the use of rare NMD patient data to inform healthcare decision making
    Neuromuscular Disorders, 2024, 43:Supplement 1, 104441.564 doi

  6. Palmeri A, Kalra D, Cornet R, Sen A, Lee J, Hedley V, Trueman J, Nally S, Leary R, Turner MA, Straub V
    The European Health Data Space needs to be relevant for paediatric data to support future medicines development for children – a conect4children viewpoint Creators
    Zenodo, 2024. doi

  7. Palmeri A, Leary R, Sen A, Lee J, Hedley V, Cornet R, Kalra D, Straub V
    Workshop on Engaging with the European Health Data Space: The Paediatric Perspective
    Zenodo, 2024. doi

  8. Tu SW, Almborg AH, Martinuzzi A, Della Mea V, Giannangelo K, Chute CG, Linton C, Cornet R, Celik C, Jakob R
    Linking Health Terminologies: A Unified Approach to the WHO Family of International Classifications
    In: Proceedings of MIE 2024, Athens (2024), Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024;316:1333-1337. doi

  9. Owen J, Sen A, Aurich B, Engel C, Cavallaro G, Degraeuwe E, Kalra D, Cornet R, Walsh M, Berkery T, Palmeri A, Mahler F, Malik S, Persijn L, Amadi C, Thuet J, Woodworth S, Nally S, Leary R, Marshall R, Straub V
    Development of the CDISC Pediatrics User Guide: A conect4children and CDISC Collaboration
    Frontiers in Medicine, 2024, 11; 14. doi

  10. Felisi M, Bonifazi F, Toma M, Pansieri C, Leary R, Hedley V, Cornet R, Reggiardo G, Landi A, D'Ercole A, Malik S, Nally SM, Sen A, Palmeri A, Bonifazi D, Ceci A
    Mapping of data-sharing repositories for paediatric clinical research - A review
    Data, 2024, 9(4); 59. doi

  11. Sen A, Hedley V, Degraeuwe E, Hirschfeld S, Cornet R, Walls R, Owen J, Robinson PN, Neilan EG, Liener T, Nisato G, Modi N, Woodworth S, Palmeri A, Gaentzsch R, Walsh M, Berkery T, Lee T, Persijn L, Baker K, An Haack K, Segovia Simon S, Jacobsen JOB, Reggiardo G, Kirwin MA, Trueman J, Pansieri C, Bonifazi D, Nally S, Bonifazi F, Leary R, Straub V
    Learning from conect4children: A Collaborative Approach towards Standardization of Disease-Specific Paediatric Research Data
    Data, 2024, 9(4); 55. doi

  12. Bak M, Madai VI, Celi LA, Kaissis GA, Cornet R, Maris M, Rueckert D, Buyx A, McLennan S
    Federated learning is not a cure-all for data ethics
    Nature Machine Intelligence, 2024. doi

  13. van Damme P, Löbe M, Benis N, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Assessing the use of HL7 FHIR for implementing the FAIR guiding principles: a case study of the MIMIC-IV Emergency Department module
    JAMIA Open, 2024;7(1):ooae002. doi

2023 2024 top 2022
  1. van Oers HA, Alrouh H, Tieskens JM, Luijten MAJ, de Groot R, Broek E, van der Doelen D, Klip H, De Meyer R, van der Mheen M, Ruisch IH , van den Berg G, Bruining H, Buitelaar J, van der Rijken R, Hoekstra PJ, Kleinjan M, Lindauer R, Oostrom KJ, Staal W, Vermeiren R, Cornet R, Haverman L, Popma A, Bartels M, Polderman TJC, Zijlmans J
    Changes in child and adolescent mental health across the COVID-19 pandemic (2018-2023): Insights from general population and clinical Samples in the Netherlands
    Journal of child psychology and psychiatry Advances, 2023;4(3):e12213. doi

  2. Zhang SX, Benis N, Cornet R
    Assessing Resolvability, Parsability, and Consistency of RDF Resources: A Use Case in Rare Diseases
    Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2023;14(1):19. doi

  3. Schulz S, Case JT, Hendler P, Karlsson D, Lawley M, Cornet R, Hausam R, Solbrig H, Nashar K, Martínez-Costa C, Yongsheng Gao
    SNOMED CT and Basic Formal Ontology – Convergence or Contradiction between Standards? The case of "Clinical Finding" 
    Applied Ontology, 2023;18(3):207-237. doi

  4. Bernabé CH, Thielemans L, Kaliyaperumal R, Carta C, Zhang S, van Gelder CWG, Benis N, Bonino da Silva Santos LO, Cornet R, dos Santos Vieira B, Lalout N, Henriques I, Cámara Ballesteros A, Burger K, Kersloot MG, Ehrhart F, van Enckevort E, Evelo CT, Gray AJG, Hanauer M, Hettne K, de Ligt J, Pereira A, Queralt-Rosinach N, Schultes E, Taruscio D, Waagmeester A, Wilkinson MD, Willighagen EL, Jansen M, Mons B, Roos M, Jacobsen A
    Building expertise on FAIR through evolving Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) workshops: describing the data, software, and management- focused approaches and their evolution
    Data Intelligence, 2023;1-23. doi

  5. Klappe ES, Heijmans J, Groen K, ter Schure J, Cornet R, de Keizer NF
    Correctly structured problem lists lead to better and faster clinical decision-making in electronic health records compared to non-curated problem lists: a single-blinded crossover randomized controlled trial  
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2023;180:105264. doi

  6. Klappe ES, Heijmans J, Groen K, ter Schure J, Cornet R, de Keizer NF
    Dataset on comparison of use of problem list versus a real-world patient record [Data set]. Zenodo. doi

  7. Palmeri A, Leary B, Sen A, Cornet R, Welter D, Rocca-Serra P
    Creating a metadata profile for clinical trial protocols
    The FAIR Cookbook for FAIR doers, chapter 11.5.4 doi

  8. Fraterman I, Wollersheim BM, Tibollo V, Glaser SLC, Medlock SK, Cornet R, Gabetta M, Gisko V, Barkan E, Di Flora N, Glasspool D, Kogan A, Lanzola G, Leizer R, Mallo H, Ottaviano M, Peleg M, Van de Poll-Franse MP, Veggiotti N, Sniatala K, Wilk S, Parimbelli E, Quaglini S, Rizzo M, Locati L, Boekhout AH, Sacchi L, Wilgenhof S
    An eHealth application (CAPABLE) providing symptom monitoring, well-being interventions and educational material for melanoma patients treated with immune-checkpoint inhibitors: A study protocol for an exploratory intervention trial
    JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e49252. doi

  9. Fischer K, Tieskens JM, Luijten MAJ, Zijlmans J, van Oers HA, de Groot R, van der Doelen D, van Ewijk H, Klip H, van der Lans RM, De Meyer R, van der Mheen M, van Muilekom MM, Hyun Ruisch I, Teela L, van den Berg G, Bruining H, van der Rijken R, Buitelaar J, Hoekstra PJ, Lindauer R, Oostrom KJ, Staal W, Vermeiren R, Cornet R, Haverman L, Bartels M, Polderman TJC, Popma A
    Internalizing Problems Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Dutch Children and Adolescents with and without Pre-Existing Mental Health Problems
    Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023;32(10):1873-1883. doi

  10. De Groot R, Püttmann DP, Fleuren LM, Thoral PJ, Elbers PWG, de Keizer NF, Cornet R, on behalf of The Dutch ICU Data Sharing Against COVID-19 Collaborators
    Determining and assessing characteristics of data element names impacting the performance of annotation using Usagi
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2023;178:105200 . doi

  11. Lanzola G, Polce F, Parimbelli E, Gabetta M, Cornet R, De Groot R, Kogan A, Glasspool D, Wilk S, Quaglini S
    The Case Manager: An Agent Controlling the Activation of Knowledge Sources in a FHIR-based Distributed Reasoning Environment
    Applied Clinical Informatics 2023; 14(04): 725-734. doi

  12. van Mens HJT, Hannen GEG, Nienhuis R, Bolt RJ, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Evaluation of Patient-Friendly Diagnosis Clarifications in a Hospital Patient Portal
    Applied Clinical Informatics 2023; 14(3):455-464. doi

  13. Van Damme P, Alarcón Moreno P, Cámara Ballesteros A, Bernabé CH, Le Cornec CMA, Dos Santos Vieira B, Van der Velde KJ, Zhang S, Carta C, Cornet R, 't Hoen PAC, Jacobsen A, Swertz MA, Roos M, Benis N
    A Resource for Guiding Data Stewards to Make European Rare Disease Patient Registries FAIR
    Data Science Journal, 2023;19: 12. doi

  14. Püttmann DP, De Groot R, de Keizer NF, Cornet R, Elbers PWG, Dongelmans DA, Bakhshi-Raiez F, on behalf of The Dutch ICU Data Sharing Against COVID-19 Collaborators
    Assessing the FAIRness of databases on the EHDEN portal: a case study on two Dutch ICU databases
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2023;176:105104 . doi

  15. Zhang SX, Benis N, Cornet R
    Automated Approach for Quality Assessment of RDF Resources
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2023; 23 (Suppl 1), 90 : 1-15 . doi

  16. Alarcón-Moreno P, Braun I, Hartley E, Olson D, Benis N, Cornet R, Wilkinson MD, Walls RL
    Leveraging Biolink as a FAIR “Rosetta Stone” Between Clinical Semantic Models Provides Emergent Interoperability
    Journal of the Society for Clinical Data Management, 2022;2(3): 2, 1–8. doi

  17. Zijlmans J, Tieskens JM, van Oers HA, Alrouh H, Luijten MAJ, de Groot R, van der Doelen D, Klip H, van der Lans RM, de Meyer R, van der Mheen M, Hyun Ruisch I, van den Berg G, Bruining H, Buitelaar J, van der Rijken R, Hoekstra PJ, Kleinjan M, Lindauer RJL, Oostrom KJ, Staal W, Vermeiren R, Cornet R, Haverman L, Popma A, Bartels M, Polderman TJC
    The effects of COVID-19 on child mental health: Biannual assessments up to April 2022 in a clinical and two general population samples
    Journal of child psychology and psychiatry advances, 2023;3(2):e12150 doi

  18. Klappe ES, Joukes E, Cornet R, de Keizer NF
    Effective and feasible interventions to improve structured electronic health record data registration and exchange: exploration of practical examples in the Netherlands using concept mapping 
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2023;173:105023. doi

  19. Klappe ES, Heijmans J, Groen K, Cornet R, de Keizer NF
    To assess the impact of problem lists' accuracy in electronic health records on clinical decision-making: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
    Research Square, 2023. doi

  20. Cámara Ballesteros A, Benis N, Bernabé C, de Oliveira Coelho Henriques I, Le Cornec C, Demir A, dos Santos Vieira B, Ramírez García JA, van der Velde J, Zhang S, Cornet R, Jacobsen A, Roos M, Schaefer F, Swertz M, Wilkinson M
    Surveyed common data access policies preferences amongst European Reference Networks
    In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences, SWAT4HCLS, Basel, Switzerland, February 13-16, 2023. pdf

  21. Burger GTN, Abu-Hanna A, De Keizer NF, Burger H, Cornet R
    Equivalence of pathologists' and rule-based parser's annotations of Dutch pathology reports 
    Intelligence-Based Medicine, 2023;7:100083. doi

  22. Medlock SK, Ploegmakers KJ, Cornet R, Pang KW
    Use of an open-source electronic health record to establish a "virtual hospital": A tale of two curricula  
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2023;169:104907. doi

2022 2023 top 2021
  1. Sen A, Hedley V, Owen J, Cornet R, Kalra D, Engel C, Palmeri A, Lee J, Roze JC, Standing J, Warris A, Pansieri C, Leary R, Turner M and Straub V
    Standardizing Paediatric Clinical Data: The Development of the conect4children (c4c) Cross Cutting Paediatric Data Dictionary
    Journal of the Society for Clinical Data Management. 2022; 2(3): 4, 1–10. doi

  2. Dos Santos Vieira B*, Bernabé CH*, Zhang S*, Abaza H, Benis N, Cámara A, Cornet R, Le Cornec CMA, ’t Hoen PAC, Schaefer F, van der Velde KJ, Swertz MA, Wilkinson MD, Jacobsen A, Roos M
    Towards FAIRification of Sensitive and Fragmented Rare Disease Patient Data: Challenges and Solutions in European Reference Network Registries 
    Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2022;17(1):436. doi

  3. Cornet R, Bos V, Wevers F, Zuurbier J, Kringos D, Klazinga N
    Afwegingen voor publiek houderschap van een stelsel van informatiestandaarden in de zorg
    2022; 45 pages. pdf

  4. Ilozumba O, Kabukye JK, de Keizer NF, Cornet R, Broerse JEW
    Cancer as a Death Sentence: Developing an Initial Program Theory for an IVR Intervention
    Health Promotion International, 2022;37(3):daac070. doi

  5. van Damme P, Kersloot MG, dos Santos Vieira B, Schultze Kool L, Cornet R
    Improving the FAIRness of vascular anomaly research data using the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) Ontology
    In: Annual International Conference on International Society for Computational Biology (ISMB), Madison, WI (2022). doi

  6. van Damme P, Fernández-Breis JT, Benis N, Miñarro-Gimenez JA, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Performance assessment of ontology matching systems for FAIR data
    Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2022;13(1):19 doi

  7. Klappe ES, Cornet R, Dongelmans DA, de Keizer NF
    Inaccurate Recording of Routinely Collected Data Items Influences Identification of COVID-19 Patients
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2022;165:104808 doi

  8. van Damme P, Kersloot MG, dos Santos Vieira B, Schultze Kool LJ, Cornet R
    The International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) Ontology
    Journal of Web Semantics, 2022;74:100731. doi

  9. Fraterman I*, Glaser SLC*, Wilgenhof S, Medlock SK, Mallo HA, Cornet R, van de Poll-Franse LV, Boekhout AH
    Exploring supportive care and information needs through a proposed eHealth application among melanoma patients undergoing systemic therapy: A qualitative study
    Supportive Care in Cancer, 2022;30(9):7249-7260. doi

  10. Puttmann D, De Keizer N, Cornet R, Van Der Zwan E, Bakhshi-Raiez F
    FAIRifying a Quality Registry Using OMOP CDM: Challenges and Solutions
    In: Proceedings of MIE 2022, Nice (2022), Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022;294:367-371. doi

  11. van Mens HJT, Hannen G, Nienhuis R, Bolt RJ, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Diagnosis clarification by patient-friendly terms, definitions and generalization: implementation study protocol
    Study Protocol. doi

  12. van Mens HJT, Martens SSM, Paiman EHM, Mertens AC, Nienhuis, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Diagnosis clarification by generalization to patient-friendly terms and definitions: Validation study
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2022;129:104071. doi

  13. Kersloot MG, Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R, Arts DL
    Perceptions and behavior of clinical researchers and research support staff regarding data FAIRification
    Scientific Data, 2022;9(1):241. doi

  14. Felisi M, Bonifazi F, Pansieri C, Leary B, Hedley V, Cornet R, Reggiardo G, Toma M, Landi A, Canham S, Giannuzzi V, Nally S, Malik S, Ceci A
    Data sharing in paediatric clinical research – A protocol
    Report of EU Project conect4children (Grant Agreement number: 777389); 9 pages doi

  15. Kaliyaperumal R, Wilkinson MD, Alarcón Moreno P, Benis N, Cornet R, dos Santos Vieira B, Dumontier M, Henrique Bernabé C, Jacobsen A, le Cornec CMA, Prieto Godoy M, Queralt-Rosinach N, Schultze Kool LJ, Swertz MA, van Damme P, van der Velde KJ, Lalout N, Zhang SX, Roos MG
    Semantic modelling of Common Data Elements for Rare Disease registries, and a prototype workflow for their deployment over registry data
    Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2022;13(1):9. doi

  16. Alvarez-Romero C, Martínez-García A, Sinaci AA, Gencturk M, Méndez E, Hernández-Pérez T, Liperoti R, Angioletti C, Löbe M, Ganapathy N, Deserno TM, Almada M, Costa E, Chronaki C, Cangioli G, Cornet R, Poblador-Plou B, Carmona-Pírez J, Gimeno-Miguel A, Poncel-Falcó A, Prados-Torres A, Kovacevic T, Zaric B, Bokan D, Hromis S, Djekic Malbasa J, Rapallo Fernández C, Velázquez Fernández T, Rochat J, Gaudet-Blavignac C, Lovis C, Weber P, Quintero M, Perez-Perez MM, Ashley K, Horton L, Parra Calderón CL
    FAIR4Health: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data to foster Health Research
    Report on EU Project FAIR4Health (Grant Agreement number: 824666); Vol. 2, Open Research Europe. F1000 Research Ltd; 2022. p. 34. doi

  17. Facile R, Muhlbradt E, Mengchun G, Qingna L, Popat V, Pétavy F, Cornet R, Ruan Y, Koide D, Saito TI, Hume S, Rockhold F, Bao, W, Dubman S, Jauregui B
    Use of Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) Standards for Real-world Data: Expert Perspectives From a Qualitative Delphi Survey
    JMIR Medical Informatics, 2022;10(1):e30363. doi

  18. Kabukye JK, Kakungulu E, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Digital health in oncology in Africa: a scoping review and cross-sectional survey
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2022;158:104659. doi

2021 2022 top 2020
  1. Engelhardt C, Biernacka K, Coffey A, Cornet R, Danciu A, Demchenko Y, Erdmann C, Garbuglia F, Germer K, Helbig K, Hellström M, Hettne K, Hibbert D, Jetten M, Karimova Y, Kryger Hansen K, Kuusniemi E, Letizia V, McCutcheon V, McGillivray B, Ostrop J, Petersen B, Petrus A, Reichmann S, Rettberg N, Reverté C, Rochlin N, Saenen B, Schmidt B, Scholten J, Shanahan H, Straube A, Van den Eynden V, Vandendorpe J, Venkataram S, Wiljes C, Wuttke U, Yeomans J, Zhou B.
    How to be FAIR with your data. A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions Deliverable D7.4 of FAIRsFAIR - Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe (Grant agreement number 831558); 179 pages. doi

  2. Oluoch T, Cornet R, Muthusi J, Katana A, Kimanga D, Kwaro D, Okeyo N, Abu-Hanna A, de Keizer NF
    A clinical decision support system is associated with reduced loss to follow-up among patients receiving HIV treatment in Kenya: a cluster randomized trial
    BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2021 Dec 20;21(1):357. doi

  3. Zhang SX, Benis N, Cornet R
    Assessing Resolvability and Consistency in OBO Foundry Ontologies: Pilot Study
    In: Proceedings of EFMI Special Topic Conference 2021, Online (2021), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2021;287:104-108. doi

  4. Kersloot MG, Van Damme P, Abu-Hanna A, Arts DL, Cornet R
    FAIRification efforts of clinical researchers: the current state of affairs
    In: Proceedings of EFMI Special Topic Conference 2021, Online (2021), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2021;287:35-39. doi

  5. Groenen KHJ, Jacobsen A, Kersloot MG, Dos Santos Vieira B, Van Enckevort E, Kaliyaperumal R, Arts DL, ‘t Hoen PAC, Cornet R, Roos M, Schultze Kool L
    The de novo FAIRification process of a registry for vascular anomalies
    Orphanet J Rare Dis,2021; 16(1):376. doi

  6. Kersloot MG, Jacobsen A, Groenen KHJ, Dos Santos Vieira B, Kaliyaperumal R, Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R, ‘t Hoen PAC, Roos M, Schultze Kool L, Arts DL
    De-novo FAIRification via an Electronic Data Capture system by automated transformation of filled electronic Case Report Forms into machine-readable data
    J Biomed Inform, 2021;122:103897. doi

  7. Leary R, Palmeri A, Hedley V, Gumus G, Cornet R
    Recommendations on how to ‘FAIR-ify’ eCRF data
    Deliverable D5.5 of EU Project c4c (Grant Agreement number: 777389) : conect4children (COllaborative Network for European Clinical Trials For Children); 22 pages. doi

  8. Cornet R, Polce F, de Groot R
    Information Architecture
    Deliverable D3.1 of EU Project CAPABLE (Grant Agreement number: 875052) : Cancer Patients' Better Life Experience; 53 pages doi

  9. Cornet R, Polce F, Quaglini S, Peleg M, Glaser S, De Groot R, Medlock S
    Data-related Functionality to Realize a FAIR Infrastructure
    Deliverable D3.2 of EU Project CAPABLE (Grant Agreement number: 875052) : Cancer Patients' Better Life Experience; 28 pages doi

  10. Parimbelli E, Gabetta M, Lanzola G, Polce F, Wilk S, Glasspool D, Kogan A, Leizer R, Gisko V, Panzarasa S, Veggiotti N, de Groot R, Ottaviano M, Sacchi L, Cornet R, Peleg M, Quaglini S.
    CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience (CAPABLE) first proof-of-concept demonstration
    In: Proceedings of AIME 2021;2021:298-303. doi

  11. Cijvat CD, Cornet R, Hägglund M
    Factors influencing development and implementation of patients access to electronic health records – a comparative study of Sweden and the Netherlands
    Frontiers in Public Health, 2021;9:621210. doi

  12. Parimbelli E, Wilk S, Cornet R, Śniatała P, Śniatała K, Glaser S, Fraterman I, Boekhout AH, Ottaviano M, Peleg M
    A review of AI and Data Science support for cancer management
    Artificial Intelligence In Medicine, 2021;117:102111. doi

  13. Klappe ES, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Development of a Framework for Redesigning a Terminology Maintenance Process - Case Study in the Netherlands
    In: Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe 2021, Online (2021), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2021;281:263-267 . doi

  14. Dendooven A, Peetermans H, Helbert M, Nguyen TQ, Marcussen N, Nagata M, Gesualdo L, Perkowska-Ptasinska A, Capusa C, Lopez-Gomez JM, Geddes C, Abdul-Hamid M, Segelmark M, Yahya R, Garau M, Villanueva R, Dorman A, Barbour S, Cornet R, Hopfer H, Amann K, Leh S
    Coding practice in national and regional kidney biopsy registries
    BMC Nephrology, 2021;22(1):193. doi

  15. Balkányi L, Lukács L, Cornet R
    Investigating the Scientific 'Infodemic' Phenomenon Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 2021;30(1):245-256. doi

  16. Peleg M, Lanzola G, Panzarasa S, Parimbelli E, Polce F, Quaglini S, Sacchi L, Veggiotti N, Kogan A, Leizer R, Gabetta M, Cornet R, Glaser S, Barkan E, Gilboa-Solomon F, Ganicheva V, Gisko V, Śniatała P, Śniatała K, Wilk S, Brunati V, Ghio V, Rizzo M, Tibollo V, Boekhout A, Fraterman I, Wilgenhof S, Glasspool D, Del Campo L, Hernandez L, Ottaviano M, Vicente V
    Requirements Table and Use Case Description
    Deliverable D2.1 of EU Project CAPABLE (Grant Agreement number: 875052) : Cancer Patients' Better Life Experience; 224 pages doi

  17. Klappe ES, van Putten FJP, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Contextual Property Detection in Dutch Diagnosis Descriptions for Uncertainty, Laterality and Temporality
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2021;21(1):120. doi

  18. Kabukye JK, Ilozumba O, Broerse JEW, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Implementation of an Interactive Voice Response System for Cancer Awareness in Uganda: Mixed Methods Study
    JMIR mHealth and uHealth. 2021;9(1):e22061. doi

  19. de Groot R, Bosma AL, Cornet R, Spuls, PI
    The selection process for a web-based application to measure patient-reported outcomes following the example of the TREAT NL registry
    Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2021; 141(6)1592-1595.e1. doi

  20. Cornet R, Waagmeester A (eds.)
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences, SWAT4HCLS, Edinburgh, Scotland, December 10-11, 2019
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073,

2020 2021 top 2019
  1. Fernandez-Luque L, Kushniruk AW, Georgiou A, Basu A, Petersen C, Ronquillo C, Paton C, Nøhr C, Kuziemsky CE, Alhuwail D, Skiba D, Huesing E, Gabarron E, Borycki EM, Magrabi F, Denecke K, Peute LWP, Topaz M, Al-Shorbaji N, Lacroix P, Marcilly R, Cornet R, Iyengar S, Gogia SB, Kobayashi S, Deserno TM, Mettler T, Vimarlund V, Zhu X
    Evidence-based health informatics as the foundation for the COVID-19 response: a joint call for action
    Methods of Information in Medicine, 2020;59(6):183-192. doi

  2. van Mens HJT, van Eysden MM, Nienhuis R, van Delden JJM, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Evaluation of lexical clarification by patients reading their clinical notes: A quasi-experimental interview study
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2020;20(Suppl 10):278. doi

  3. Kersloot MG, van Putten FJP, Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R, Arts DL
    Natural Language Processing algorithms for mapping clinical text fragments onto ontology concepts: a systematic review and recommendations for future studies
    Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2020;11(1):14. doi

  4. Van Ulzen NR, de Jong AS, Kanis AM, Kaliyaperumal R, Queralt-Rosinach N, Roos M, Cornet R
    Steeds FAIRder. Verslag van het Urban Vitality zaaigeldproject 'FAIR: geen woorden maar data'; 30 pages. doi pdf

  5. Parimbelli E, Cornet R, Gabetta M, Tibollo V, Bottalico B, Fraterman I, Boekhout A, Gilboa-Solomon F, Quaglini S
    Data Management Plan
    Deliverable D1.2 of EU Project CAPABLE (Grant Agreement number: 875052) : Cancer Patients' Better Life Experience; 28 pages doi

  6. Dos Santos Vieira B, Groenen K, 't Hoen PAC, Jacobsen A, Roos M, Kaliyaperumal R, Kersloot M, Cornet R, Schultze Kool L
    Applying the FAIR Data principles to the Registry of Vascular Anomalies (VASCA)
    In: Proceedings of dHealth 2020, Vienna (2020), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2020;271:115-116. doi

  7. Medlock SK, Schermer R, Cornet R
    Implementation of an open-source electronic health record for decision-support education in medical informatics
    In: Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe 2020, Geneva (2020), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2020;270:981-985. doi

  8. Weda M, Brummelhuis W, Wattel A, Cornet R, Peute L
    Medicatie-incidenten als gevolg van gebruiksonvriendelijke IT-systemen; 65 pages. doi pdf

  9. Kabukye JK, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Assessment of organizational readiness to implement an electronic health record system in a low-resource settings cancer hospital: a cross-sectional survey
    PLoS One. 2020;15(6):e0234711. doi

  10. Klappe ES, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Factors influencing problem list use in Electronic Health Records - application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
    Applied Clinical Informatics 2020; 11(03): 415-426. doi

  11. van Mens HJT, Duijm RD, Nienhuis R, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Towards an Adoption Framework for Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Systematic Literature Mapping Study
    JMIR Med Inform 2020;8(3):e15150. doi

  12. Kabukye JK, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Elicitation and prioritization of requirements for electronic health records for oncology in low resource settings: a concept mapping study
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2020;135:104055 doi

  13. Jacobsen A, de Miranda Azevedo R, Juty N, Batista D, Coles S, Cornet R, Courtot M, Crosas M, Dumontier M, Evelo CT, Goble C, Guizzardi G, Kryger Hansen K, Hasnain A, Hettne K, Heringa J, Hooft RWW, Imming M, Jeffery KG, Kaliyaperumal R, Kersloot MG, Kirkpatrick CR, Kuhn T, Labastida I, Magagna B, McQuilton P, Meyers N, Montesanti A, van Reisen M, Rocca-Serra P, Pergl R, Sansone S-A, Bonino da Silva Santos, LO, Schneider J, Strawn G, Thompson M, Waagmeester A, Weigel T, Wilkinson MD, Willighagen EL, Wittenburg P, Roos M, Mons B, Schultes E
    FAIR principles: Interpretations and implementation considerations
    Data Intelligence 2(2020), 10-29. doi

2019 2020 top 2018
  1. Kersloot MG, Lau FY, Abu-Hanna A, Arts DL, Cornet R
    Automated SNOMED CT concept and attribute relationship detection through a web-based implementation of cTAKES
    Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2019;10(1):14. doi

  2. Kabukye JK, Casaceli AM, Ball E, De Armas M, Cornet R
    Towards an open-source oncology electronic medical records system for low-resource settings: development of chemotherapy management in OpenMRS
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2019, Lyon (2019), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2019;264:634-638. doi

  3. Balkanyi L, Cornet R
    The Interplay of Knowledge Representation with Various Fields of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
    Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 2019;28(01):27-34. doi

  4. van Mens HJT, Duijm RD, Nienhuis R, de Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Determinants and outcomes of patient access to medical records: Systematic review of systematic reviews
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2019; 129: 226-233. doi

  5. Joukes E, De Keizer NF, De Bruijne MC, Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R
    Impact of electronic versus paper-based recording before EHR implementation on healthcare professionals' perceptions of EHR use, data quality, data reuse
    Applied Clinical Informatics, 2019; 10: 199-209. doi

  6. In 't Veld R, Broens THF, Cornet R, Meinema JG
    MI-X : Medische Informatiekunde - een vooruitstrevend onderwijsprogramma voor het vakgebied van de toekomst; 16 pagespdf

  7. Noordzij M, Cornet R, Simpson K, Jager KJ, Tomson C
    An update of the ERA-EDTA Registry Primary Renal Disease Coding system - What's new?
    Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2019; 34(6): 896-898. doi

  8. Miñarro-Giménez JA, Cornet R, Jaulent MC, Dewenter H, Thun S, Rosenbeck Gøeg K, Karlsson D, Schulz S
    Quantitative analysis of manual annotation of clinical text samples
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2019; 123: 37-48. doi

2018 2019 top 2017
  1. Bodenreider O, Cornet R, Vreeman DJ
    Recent Developments in Clinical Terminologies - SNOMED CT, LOINC, and RxNorm
    Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 2018;27(1):129-139. doi

  2. Van Mens HJT, Nienhuis R, Duijm RD, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    An overview of determinants and outcomes of providing patients access to and control over their own medical data: a systematic review of reviews
    National Institute for Health Research. PROSPERO; 2018. doi

  3. Ditewig B, Maier C, Haverkamp C, Cornet R, Binder H, Prokosch H-U, Boeker M, Horki P
    Towards a process model for representing clinical datasets for asthma/COPD endotypes in the OMOP CDM
    In: Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), Osnabrück (2018). doi

  4. Kodra Y, Weinbach J, Posada-de-la-Paz M, Coi A, Lemonnier SL, Van Enckevort D, Roos M, Jacobsen A, Cornet R, Ahmed SF, Bros-Facer V, Popa V, Van Meel M, Renault D, Von Gizycki R, Santoro M, Landais P, Torreri P, Carta C, Mascalzoni D, Gainotti S, Lopez E, Ambrosini A, Müller H, Reis R, Bianchi F, Rubinstein YR, Lochmüller H, Taruscio D
    Recommendations for Improving the Quality of Rare Disease Registries
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15(8), 1644; 1-22. doi pdf

  5. Joukes E, Cornet R, De Bruijne MC, De Keizer NF, Abu-Hanna A
    Development and validation of a model for the adoption of structured and standardised data recording among healthcare professionals
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2018 (1); 54. doi pdf

  6. Van Damme P, Quesada-Martínez, Cornet R, Fernández-Breis JT
    From Lexical Regularities to Axiomatic Patterns for the Quality Assurance of Biomedical Terminologies and Ontologies
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2018; 84: 59-74. doi

  7. Van Mens HJT, De Keizer NF, Nienhuis R, Cornet R
    Clarifying diagnoses to laymen by employing the SNOMED CT hierarchy
    In: Proceedings of MIE 2018, Gothenburg (2018), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2018;247:900-904. doi

  8. Joukes E, Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Time spent on dedicated patient care and documentation tasks before and after the introduction of a structured and standardized Electronic Health Record
    Applied Clinical Informatics, 2018;9:46-53. doi

  9. Zini EM, Lanzola G, Quaglini S, Cornet R
    Standardization of immunotherapy adverse events in patient information leaflets and development of an interface terminology for outpatients' monitoring
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2018; 77: 133-144. doi

2017 2018 top 2016
  1. Carta C, Roos M, Jacobsen A, Kaliyaperumal R, Thompson M, Wilkinson M, Cornet R, Waagmeester A, Van Enckevort D, Jansen M, Licata L, Via A, Taruscio D
    The FAIRification of Data and the Potential of FAIR Resources Demonstrated, in Practice, at the Rome Bring Your Own Data Workshop
    In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences (SWAT4LS 2017), Rome, Italy, December 4-7, 2017. pdf

  2. Cornet R, Hill CM, De Keizer NF
    Comparison of three English-to-Dutch machine translations of SNOMED CT procedures
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2017, Hangzhou (2017), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2017;245:848-852. doi

  3. Kabukye JK, Koch S, Cornet R, Orem J, Hägglund M
    User Requirements for an Electronic Medical Records System for Oncology in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Uganda
    In: Proceedings of AMIA 2017, Washington, DC (2017); 2017:1004-1013. pdf

  4. Scott PJ, Cornet R, McCowan C, Peek NB (eds.)
    Informatics for Health 2017: Addendum to Informatics for Health 2017: Advancing both science and practice
    Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2017;24(3):291-310. doi

  5. Scott PJ, Cornet R, McCowan C, Peek NB, Fraccaro P, Geifman N, Gude WT, Hulme W, Martin G, Williams R (eds.)
    Informatics for Health 2017: Advancing both science and practice
    Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 2017;24(1):1-185. doi

  6. Randell R, Cornet R, McCowan C, Peek NB, Scott PJ (eds.)
    Informatics for Health: Connected Citizen-Led Wellness and Population Health
    Proceedings of Informatics for Health, Manchester, England, 2017, April 24-26
    Studies in Health Technology & Informatics, vol 235 pdf

  7. Legaz-García MdC, Dentler K, Fernandez-Breis JT, Cornet R
    Combining archetypes, ontologies and formalization enables automated computation of quality indicators
    In: Proceedings of Informatics for Health / MIE 2017, Manchester (2017), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2017;235:416-420. doi

  8. Joukes E, Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A, de Keizer NF
    Documentation time during outpatient consultations with a new EHR: fears and figures
    In: Informatics for Health / MIE 2017, Manchester (2017), Abstract doi

  9. Cornet R
    Infrastructure and Capacity Building for Semantic Interoperability in Healthcare in the Netherlands
    In: Proceedings of Information Technology and Communications in Health (ITCH), Victoria, CA (2017), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2017;234:70-74. doi

2016 2017 top 2015
  1. Kalra D, Schulz S, Karlsson D, Vander Stichele R, Cornet R, Rosenbeck Gøeg K, Cangioli G, Chronaki C, Thiel R, Thun S, Stroetmann V
    Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU
    Final recommendations of EU Project ASSESS CT (Grant Agreement number: 643818) : Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU; 24 pages pdf

  2. Roos M, Wilkinson M, Kaliyaperumal R, Thompson M, Carta C, Cornet R, van Enckevort D, Bonino Da Silva Santos LO
    Registries of domain-relevant semantic reference models help bootstrap interoperability in domains with fragmented data resources
    In: Proceedings of Semantic Web and Tools for Life Sciences 2016, Amsterdam (2016). pdf

  3. Cangioli G, Chronaki C, Rosenbeck Gøeg K, Randorff Højen A, Karlsson D, Jaulent MC, Kalliokuusi V, Hämäläinen P, Fatholla-Nejad R, Cornet R, Macary F, Sato L, Volkert P, Vuokko R, Schulz S, Araújo E, Choquet R, Kalra D, Stroetmann V, Kronstein Kufrin V, Boni Z, Pavešković T, Orešković M
    Current and Future Use of SNOMED CT
    Deliverable D1.4 of EU Project ASSESS CT (Grant Agreement number: 643818) : Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU; 72 pages

  4. Schulz S, Miñarro-Giménez JA, Martínez-Costa, Karlsson D, Rosenbeck Gøeg K, Markó K, Van Bruwaene B, Cornet R, Jaulent MC, Hämäläinen P, Dewenter H, Fathollah-Nejad R, Thun S,
    Multilingual and multidisciplinary study of terminology coverage and quality
    Deliverable D2.3 of EU Project ASSESS CT (Grant Agreement number: 643818) : Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU; 128 pages

  5. Schulz S, Miñarro-Giménez JA, Karlsson D, Rosenbeck Gøeg K, Markó K, Van Bruwaene B, Cornet R, Jaulent MC, Hämäläinen P, Chronaki C, Stroetman V, Kalra D
    Use of terminologies for representing structured and unstructured clinical content Deliverable D2.4 of EU Project ASSESS CT (Grant Agreement number: 643818) : Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU; 28 pages

  6. Kalra D, Vander Stichele R, Schulz S, Karlsson D, Rosenbeck Gøeg K, Cornet R, Cangioli G, Chronaki C, Thus S, Jaulent MC, Hämäläinen P, Kronstein Kufrin V, Fathollah-Nejad R, Dewenter H, Volkert P, Melgara M, Stroetmann V
    Policy and strategy recommendations - final report
    Deliverable D4.4 of EU Project ASSESS CT (Grant Agreement number: 643818) : Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU; 64 pages

  7. Burger GTN, Abu-Hanna A, De Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Natural Language Processing in Pathology - a Scoping Review
    Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2016; 69: 949-955. doi

  8. Joukes E, Cornet R, De Keizer NF, De Bruijne M
    Collect once, use many times: End-users don't practice what they preach
    In: Proceedings of MIE 2016, München (2016), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2016;228:252-256. doi

  9. Bakhshi-Raiez F, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Use of Detailed Clinical Models: does it aid Quality Registries?
    In: Grill, E., Müller, M. & Mansmann, U. Eur J Epidemiol (2016) 31: 1. S19 doi

  10. Cornet R, Chute CG
    Health Concept and Knowledge Management: Twenty-five Years of Evolution
    Yearbook of Medical Informatics - Special 25th Anniversary Edition. 2016; Suppl 1: S32-S41. doi

  11. Joukes E, Cornet R, De Bruijne M, De Keizer NF
    Eliciting end-user expectations to guide the implementation process of a new Electronic Health Record: a case study using concept mapping
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2016; 87: 111-117. doi

  12. Oluoch T, Katana A, Kwaro D, Santas X, Langat P, Mwalili S, Muthusi K, Okeyo N, Ojwang JK, Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A, De Keizer NF
    Effect of a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) on Early Action on Immunological Treatment Failure among HIV patients in Resource-Constrained Settings: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Kenya
    Lancet HIV, 2016, 3(2) e76-84. doi

2015 2016 top 2014
  1. Cangioli G, Chronaki C, Gøeg KR, Højen AR, Karlsson D, Jaulent MC, Kalliokuusi V, Hämäläinen P, Fathollah Nejad R, Cornet R, Kalra D, Stroetmann V, Kronstein Kufrin V, Boni Z, Volkert P
    Report from the Focus Groups and Delphi study
    Deliverable D1.2 of EU Project ASSESS CT (Grant Agreement number: 643818) : Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU; 241 pages pdf

  2. Dentler K, Cornet R
    Intra-Axiom Redundancies in SNOMED CT
    Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2015 (65) 29-34. doi

  3. Joukes E, De Keizer NF, Abu-Hanna A, De Bruijne M, Cornet R
    End-User Experiences and Expectations Regarding Data Registration and Reuse Before the Implementation of a (New) Electronic Health Record: A Case Study in Two University Hospitals
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2015, Sao Paulo (2015), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2015;216:997. doi

  4. Oluoch T, De Keizer NF, Langat P, Alaska I, Ochieng K, Okeyo N, Kwaro D, Cornet R
    A structured approach to recording AIDS-Defining Illnesses: A SNOMED CT based solution
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2015; 56: 387-394. doi

  5. Martínez-Costa C, Cornet R, Karlsson D, Schulz S, Kalra D
    Semantic Enrichment of Clinical Models towards Semantic Interoperability. The Heart Failure Summary Use Case
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2015; 22 (3): 565-576. doi

  6. Joukes E, Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A, De Bruijne M, De Keizer NF
    End-User Expectations During an Electronic Health Record Implementation: a Case Study in Two Academic Hospitals
    In: Proceedings of MIE 2015, Madrid (2015), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2015;210:501-505. doi

  7. Cornet R, Stoicu-Tivadar L, Hörbst A, Parra Calderón CL, Andersen SK, Hercigonja-Szekeres M (eds.)
    Proceedings of the 26th Medical Informatics Europe Conference, MIE2015, Madrid, Spain, 2015, May 27-29, Studies in Health Technology & Informatics, vol 210

  8. Gøeg KR, Cornet R, Andersen SK
    Clustering clinical models from local electronic health records based on semantic similarity
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2015; 54: 294-304. doi

  9. Smits M, Kramer E, Harthoorn M, Cornet R
    A comparison of two Detailed Clinical Model representations: FHIR and CDA
    European Journal for Biomedical Informatics 2015;11(2): en7-en17. doi

2014 2015 top 2013
  1. Schulz S, Martínez Costa C, Karlsson D, Cornet R, Brochhausen M, Rector A
    An Ontological Analysis of Reference in Health Record Statements
    In: Proceedings of FOIS 2014, Rio de Janeiro (2014), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications;2014;267:289 - 302. doi

  2. Karlsson D, Nyström M, Cornet R
    Does SNOMED CT post-coordination scale?
    In: Proceedings of MIE 2014, Istanbul (2014), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2014;205:1048-52. doi

  3. Dentler K, Cornet R, Ten Teije A, Tanis P, Klinkenbijl J, Tytgat K, De Keizer NF
    Influence of data quality on computed Dutch hospital quality indicators: a case study in colorectal cancer surgery
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2014; 14(1):32. doi

  4. Dentler K, Numans ME, Ten Teije A, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Formalization and Computation of Quality Measures based on Electronic Medical Records
    J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014;21(2): 285-291. doi

  5. Lee DH, De Keizer NF, Lau FY, Cornet R
    Literature Review of SNOMED CT Use
    J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014;21(e1):e11-e19. doi

2013 2014 top 2012
  1. Schulz S, Balkanyi L, Cornet R, Bodenreider O
    From Concept Representations to Ontologies: A Paradigm Shift in Health Informatics?
    Healthc Inform Res. 2013 Dec;19(4):235-242 doi

  2. Cornet R, Nyström M, Karlsson D
    User-Directed Coordination in SNOMED CT
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2013, Copenhagen (2013), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2013;192:72-6. doi

  3. Dentler K, Ten Teije A, De Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Barriers to the Reuse of Routinely Recorded Clinical Data: A Field Report
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2013, Copenhagen (2013), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2013;192:313-317. doi

  4. Joukes E, De Keizer NF, Cornet R
    Composite quality of care scores, Electronic Health Record maturity models, and their associations; preliminary literature review results
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2013, Copenhagen (2013), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2013;192:981. doi

  5. Balkanyi L, Schulz S, Cornet R, Bodenreider O
    Medical Concept Representation: the Years Beyond 2000
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2013, Copenhagen (2013), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2013;192:1011. doi

  6. Oluoch T, De Keizer NF, Kwaro D, Wattoyi I, Okeyo N, Cornet R
    Inconsistencies between recorded opportunistic infections and WHO HIV staging in Western Kenya
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2013, Copenhagen (2013), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2013;192:1139. doi

  7. Dentler K, Cornet R
    Redundant Elements in SNOMED CT Concept Definitions
    In: proceedings of AIME 2013, Murcia (2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science;2013; Vol. 7885: 186-195 doi

Publications from within dept. of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam (1996- )

  1. Couchoud C, Lassalle M, Cornet R, Jager KJ
    Renal replacement therapy registries - time for a structured data quality evaluation programme
    Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2013; 28(9): 2215-2220 doi

  2. Dentler K, Ten Teije A, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Semantic Integration of Patient Data and Quality Indicators based on openEHR Archetypes
    In: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 2013; Vol. 7738; 85-97. doi

  3. Lee DH, Cornet R, Lau FY, De Keizer NF
    A Survey of SNOMED CT Implementations
    J Biomed Inform, 2013; 46(1): 87-96. doi

2012 2013 top 2011
  1. Venkat-Raman G, Tomson CRV, Gao Y, Cornet R, et al. for the ERA-EDTA Registry
    New primary renal diagnosis codes for the ERA-EDTA
    Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012; 27(12): 4414-4419. doi

  2. Dentler K, Ten Teije A, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Semantic Integration of Patient Data and Quality Indicators based on openEHR Archetypes
    In: Proceedings of ProHealth'12 / KR4HC'12, Tallinn (2012); n.n.

  3. Dentler K, Cornet R, Ten Teije A, Tytgat K, Klinkenbijl J, De Keizer NF
    The Reproducibility of CLIF, a Method for Clinical Quality Indicator Formalisation
    In: Proceedings of MIE2012, Pisa (2012), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2012;180:113-7. doi

  4. Cornet R, Van Eldik AA, De Keizer NF
    Inventory of Tools for Dutch Clinical Language Processing
    In: Proceedings of MIE2012, Pisa (2012), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2012;180:245-9. doi

  5. Cornet R, Stevens R (eds.)
    Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012), KR-MED Series, Graz, Austria, July 21-25, 2012
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073,

  6. Bakhshi-Raiez F, De Keizer NF, Cornet R, Dorrepaal M, Dongelmans D, Jaspers MWM
    A Usability Evaluation of a SNOMED CT based Compositional Interface Terminology for Intensive Care
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2012; 81(5): 351-362. doi

  7. Dentler K, Ten Teije A, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Towards the Automated Calculation of Clinical Quality Indicators
    In: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 2012; Vol. 6924; 51-64. doi

2011 2012 top 2010
  1. Ahmadian L, Cornet R, Van Klei WA, De Keizer NF
    Data Collection Variation in Preoperative Assessment; a Literature Review
    CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing, 2011; 29(11): 662-670. doi

  2. Dentler K, Cornet R, Ten Teije A, De Keizer NF
    Comparison of Reasoners for large Ontologies in the OWL 2 EL Profile
    Semantic Web, 2011; 2(2): 71-87. doi

  3. Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Recording associated Disorders using SNOMED CT
    In: Proceedings of MIE2011, Oslo (2011), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2011;169:824-828. doi

  4. Dentler K, Ten Teije A, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Towards the Automated Derivation of Quality Indicators
    In: Proceedings of KR4HC, Bled (2011);35-48.

  5. Lee DH, Cornet R, Lau FY
    Implications of SNOMED CT Versioning
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2011; 80(6): 442-453. doi

  6. Schulz S, Cornet R, Spackman KA
    Consolidating SNOMED CT's Ontological Commitment
    Applied Ontology, 2011; 6(1): 1-11. doi

  7. Ahmadian L, Van Engen-Verheul M, Bakhshi-Raiez F, Peek NB, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    The Role of Standardized Data and Terminological Systems in Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems: Literature Review and Survey
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2011; 80: 81-93. doi

2010 2011 top 2009
  1. Ahmadian L, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Facilitating Pre-operative Assessment Guidelines Representation Using SNOMED CT
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2010; 43(6): 883-890. doi

  2. Cornet R
    Information-Content-based Measures for the Structure of Terminological Systems and for Data recorded using these Systems
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2010, Cape Town (2010), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2010;160:1075-1079. doi

  3. Bakhshi-Raiez F, Cornet R, Bosman RJ, Joore H, De Keizer NF
    Using SNOMED CT to identify a Crossmap between two Classification Systems: A Comparison with an Expert-Based and a Data-Driven Strategy
    In: Proceedings of Medinfo 2010, Cape Town (2010), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2010;160: 1035-1039. doi

  4. Bakhshi-Raiez F, Ahmadian L, Cornet R, De Jonge E, De Keizer NF
    Construction of an Interface Terminology on SNOMED CT: Generic Approach and its Application in Intensive Care
    Methods of Information in Medicine, 2010; 49(4): 349-359. doi

2009 2010 top 2008
  1. Ahmadian L, De Keizer NF, Cornet R
    The use of SNOMED CT for representing concepts used in preoperative guidelines
    In: Proceedings of MIE2009, Sarajevo (2009), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2009;150:658-662. doi

  2. Cornet R, Schulz S
    Relationship Groups in SNOMED CT
    In: Proceedings of MIE2009, Sarajevo (2009), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2009;150:223-227. doi

  3. Schulz S, Cornet R
    SNOMED CT's Ontological Commitment
    In: Proceedings of International Conference on Biomedical Ontology, Buffalo, NY, July 24-26, 2009. doi

  4. Geller J, Perl Y, Halper M, Cornet R
    Special Issue on Auditing of Terminologies
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2009; 42(3):407-11. doi

  5. Cornet R
    Definitions and qualifiers in SNOMED CT
    Methods of Information in Medicine, 2009; 48(2):178-83. doi

  6. Ahmadian L, Cornet R, Kalkman C, De Keizer NF
    Development of a National Core Dataset for Preoperative Assessment
    Methods of Information in Medicine, 2009; 48(2):155-61. doi

  7. Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Investeren in de goudmijn
    Medisch Contact (11) 2009:474-475 pdf

2008 2009 top 2007
  1. De Keizer NF, Bakhshi-Raiez F, De Jonge E, Cornet R
    Post-coordination in practice: evaluating compositional terminological-system-based registration of ICU reasons for admission
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2008; 77: 828-835. doi

  2. Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Forty years of SNOMED: a literature review
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making; 2008 8(Suppl 1):S2 doi

  3. Cornet R, Spackman, KA (eds.)
    Representing and Sharing Knowledge Using SNOMED. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge Representation in Medicine KR-MED 2008, Phoenix (Arizona), USA, May 31-June 2, 2008
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073,

  4. Bakhshi-Raiez F, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Development and Application of a Framework for Maintenance of Medical Terminological Systems
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2008; 15 (5): 687-700. doi

  5. Ahmadian L, Cornet R, Van Klei W, De Keizer NF
    Collected data for the systematic literature review "Data Collection Variation in Preoperative Assessment" Technical Report 2008-01, Department of Medical Informatics, University of Amsterdam pdf

  6. Ahmadian L, Cornet R, Van Klei W, De Keizer NF
    Diversity in preoperative-Assessment Data Collection, a Literature Review
    In: Proceedings of MIE2008, Göteborg (2008), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2008;136:127-132. pdf

  7. Bakhshi-Raiez F, Cornet R,De Keizer NF
    Cross-Mapping APACHE IV "reasons for intensive care admission" classification to SNOMED CT
    In: Proceedings of MIE2008, Göteborg (2008), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2008;136:779-784. pdf

  8. Cornet R
    Do SNOMED CT relationships qualify?
    In: Proceedings of MIE2008, Göteborg (2008), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2008;136:785-790. pdf

  9. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Auditing Description-Logic-based Medical Terminological Systems by Detecting Equivalent Concept Definitions
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2008; 77(5): 336-345. doi
2007 2008 top 2006
  1. Schlobach S, Huang Z, Cornet R, Van Harmelen F
    Debugging Incoherent Terminologies
    Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2007; 39: 317-349. doi

  2. Van der Veer SN, Cornet R, De Jonge E
    Design and Implementation of an ICU incident registry
    International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2007; 76: 103-108. doi
2006 2007 top 2005
  1. De Keizer NF, Cornet R, Bakhshi-Raiez F, De Jonge E
    Registration in practice: Comparing free-text and compositional terminological-system-based registration of ICU reasons for admission
    In: Proceedings of KR-MED 2006, Baltimore, USA, November 8th 2006, 3-9. pdf

  2. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Two Description-Logic-Based Methods for Auditing Medical Ontologies
    In: Proceedings of the 18th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC) Namur, Belgium, October 5-6 2006, 367-368.

  3. Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Forty years of SNOMED: a literature review
    In: Proceedings of the First Semantic Mining Conference on SNOMED CT (SMCS), Kopenhagen, Denmark, October 1-3 2006, 54-58.

  4. Cornet R, De Keizer NF, Abu-Hanna A
    A Framework for Characterizing Terminological Systems
    Methods of Information in Medicine, 2006; 45(3): 253-266. doi

  5. Cornet R
    Methods for Auditing Medical Terminological Systems [PhD Thesis].
    Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam; 20 april 2006.

  6. Cornet R
    Clinical Terminology in Practical Use for Recording and Researching Reasons for Admission in Intensive Care
    In: A. Reichert, G. Mihalaş, L. Stoicu-Tivadar, S. Schulz, R. Engelbrecht, eds. Proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics Special Topic Conference, Timişoara, April 8th 2006, 298-304.

  7. Schlobach S, Huang Z, Cornet R
    Inconsistent Ontology Diagnosis: Evaluation
    Deliverable D3.6.2 of EU-IST Integrated Project (IP) IST-2003-506826 SEKT: Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies; 63 pages pdf
2005 2006 top 2004
  1. Arts DGT, Cornet R, De Jonge E, De Keizer NF
    Methods for evaluation of medical terminological systems; a literature review and a case study
    Methods of Information in Medicine, 2005; 44: 616-625. doi

  2. Cornet R, Prins AK
    Terminology-based Registration of Reasons for Admission in Intensive Care - Implementation of an Integrated Approach
    In: Proceedings of MIC2005, Veldhoven; 2005 (E-publication)

  3. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Two DL-based Methods for Auditing Medical Terminological Systems
    In: Proceedings of the 2005 AMIA Annual Symposium, Washington DC:166-70 pdf

  4. Raiez F, Arts DGT, Cornet R
    Terminological system maintenance: A Procedures Framework and an Exploration of Current Practice
    In: R. Engelbrecht, A. Geissbuhler, C. Lovis and G. Mihalas, eds. Proceedings of MIE2005, Geneva (2005), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2005;116:701-6. pdf

  5. Van der Veer SN, Cornet R, De Jonge E
    Design and Implementation of an ICU incident registry
    In: R. Engelbrecht, A. Geissbuhler, C. Lovis and G. Mihalas, eds. Proceedings of MIE2005, Geneva (2005), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2005;116:539-44. pdf

  6. Cornet R, Klein MCA
    Representing and Using Template-Knowledge for a Medical Ontology in Protégé
    In: proceeding of the Protégé Conference, Madrid, 2005, 112-115pdf

  7. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Description Logic-based Methods for Auditing Frame-based Medical Terminological Systems
    Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2005 (34) 201-217 doi

  8. Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R, De Keizer NF, Crubezy M, Tu S
    Protégé as a vehicle for Developing Medical Terminological Systems
    Int Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2005, 62 (5) 639-663 doi
2004 2005 top 2003
  1. Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    The Specification of a Frame-based Medical Terminological System in Protégé
    In: Fieschi M, Coiera E, Li J, editors. Medinfo; 2004; San Francisco: IOS Press; 2004. p. 317-21 doi

  2. Schlobach S, Cornet R
    Logical Support for Terminological Modeling
    In: Fieschi M, Coiera E, Li J, editors. Medinfo; 2004; San Francisco: IOS Press; 2004. p. 439-443 doi

  3. Arts DGT, De Keizer NF, De Jonge E, Cornet R
    Comparison of methods for evaluation of a medical terminological system
    In: Fieschi M, Coiera E, Li J, editors. Medinfo; 2004; San Francisco: IOS Press; 2004. p. 467-471 doi

  4. Cornet R, De Keizer NF, Arts DGT
    Overcoming Barriers to Evaluation of Terminological Systems
    In: Fieschi M, Coiera E, Li J, editors. Medinfo; 2004; San Francisco: IOS Press; 2004. p. 497-501 pdf

  5. Prins AK, Arts DGT, Cornet R, De Keizer NF
    Internet-based Terminological Knowledge Maintenance
    In: Fieschi M, Coiera E, Li J, editors. Medinfo; 2004; San Francisco: IOS Press; 2004. p. 1820

  6. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Using Non-Primitive Concept Definitions for Improving DL-based Knowledge Bases
    In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2004), Whistler, BC, Canada, June 6-8, 2004:138-147. pdf

  7. Hahn U, Schulz S, Cornet R (eds.)
    Proceedings of the first international workshop on Formal Biomedical Knowledge Representation (KR-MED 2004), Whistler, Canada; June 1, 2004
    CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073,
2003 2004 top 2002
  1. Arts DGT, Cornet R, De Keizer NF, De Jonge E
    Vergelijking van methoden voor evaluatie van medische terminologie systemen
    In: Proceedings of MIC2003, Veldhoven; 2003 (CD-ROM)

  2. Cornet R, Prins AK
    An Architecture for Standardized Terminology Services by Wrapping and Integration of Existing Applications
    In: Proceedings of the 2003 AMIA Annual Symposium, Washington DC (2003):180-4 pdf

  3. Arts DGT, Cornet R, De Keizer NF, De Jonge E
    Comparison of Methods for Evaluation of Medical Terminological Systems
    In: Proceedings of the 2003 AMIA Annual Symposium, Washington DC (2003):779 pdf

  4. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Using Description Logics for Managing Medical Terminologies
    In: M. Dojat, E. Keravnou, P. Barahona (Eds.): Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, AIME 2003:61-70. pdf

  5. Schlobach S, Cornet R
    Non-Standard Reasoning Services for the Debugging of Description Logic Terminologies
    Published in: BNAIC03

  6. Zanstra PE, van der Haring EJ, Cornet R
    Introduction of a Clinical Terminology in The Netherlands - Needs, Constraints, Opportunities.
    Leidschendam: NICTIZ; September 2003

  7. Schlobach S, Cornet R
    Explanation of Terminological Reasoning - A preliminary report
    Published in: Proceedings of DL03

  8. Möller R, Cornet R, Haarslev V
    Graphical Interfaces for Racer: Querying DAML+OIL and RDF documents
    Published in: Proceedings of DL03

  9. Schlobach S, Cornet R
    Non-Standard Reasoning Services for the Debugging of Description Logic Terminologies
    Published in: Proceedings of IJCAI03, 355-360

  10. Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R
    On the Correspondence between Protégé and Conceptual Frameworks for Understanding Terminological Systems
    Published in: Proceedings of the 6th Protégé Workshop, Manchester, United Kingdom

  11. Cornet R
    RICE Quick start
    Technical Report 2003-01, Department of Medical Informatics, University of Amsterdam pdf
2002 2003 top 2001
  1. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Usability of Expressive Description Logics - A Case Study in UMLS
    In: Isaac S. Kohane, MD, PhD, editor. Proceedings of the 2002 AMIA Annual Symposium, San Antonio (2002): 180-4. pdf

  2. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Evaluation of a frame-based Ontology. A formalization-oriented Approach
    In: G. Surján , R. Engelbrecht and P. McNair, eds. Proceedings of MIE2002, Budapest (2002), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2002;90:488-93. pdf

  3. Prins H, Cornet R, Van den Berg FM, Van der Togt R, Abu-Hanna A
    Software Engineering in Medical Informatics: the academic hospital as learning environment
    In: G. Surján , R. Engelbrecht and P. McNair, eds. Proceedings of MIE2002, Budapest (2002), Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2002;90:627-31. pdf
2001 2002 top 2000
  1. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A
    Op Terminologie gebaseerde Diagnoseregistratie in het EPD - Intensive Care PDMS als Case Study
    In: Proceedings of MIC2001, Noordwijkerhout; 2001 (CD-ROM) pdf

  2. Prins H, Cornet R, Van den Berg FM, Van der Togt R, Abu-Hanna A
    Software Engineering in de studie Medische Informatiekunde: de kliniek als leeromgeving
    In: Proceedings of MIC2001, Noordwijkerhout; 2001 (CD-ROM)

  3. Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A, Blohm A
    An Architecture for Reasoning with Terminological Systems
    In: Proceedings of the AMIA 2001 symposium, Washington;2001: 882 pdf

  4. Cornet R
    Towards structured Requirements for Terminological Systems and Servers
    In: Proceedings of MedInfo 2001, London, Patel et al; 2001: 295 pdf

  5. Van Dijk PCW, Jager KJ, De Charro F, Collart F, Cornet R, Dekker FW, Grönhagen-Riska C, Kramar R, Leivestad T, Simpson K, Briggs JD
    Renal replacement therapy in Europe: the results of a collaborative effort by the ERA-EDTA registry and six national or regional registries
    Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (2001) 16: 1120-1129 doi
2000 2001 top 1999
  1. De Keizer NF, Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R
    Evaluation of DICE, a terminological system for intensive care
    In: Proceedings of MIE2000, Studies in Health Technology & Informatics; 2000;77:208-12. doi

  2. Jager KJ, Van Dijk PCW, Dekker FW, Cornet R, Krediet RT, Briggs JD
    The European registry: where do we stand?
    Peritoneal Dialysis International 20: S118-S120 Suppl. 2 2000 doi pdf
1999 2000 top 1998
  1. De Keizer NF, Abu-Hanna A, Cornet R, Zwetsloot-Schonk JH, Stoutenbeek CP
    Analysis and design of an ontology for intensive care diagnoses
    METHOD INFORM MED 38: (2) 102-112 JUN 1999 doi
1998 1999 top 1995
  1. De Keizer NF, Stoutenbeek CP, De Jonge E, Timmers T, Zwetsloot-Schonk JHM
    An Intensive Care diagnosis classification supporting the care process and quality assurance
    In: Proceedings of MedInfo'98, Seoul; 1998: 693 (poster-presenting author) pdf
1995 1998 top 1994

Publications from within dept. of Medical Informatics, Rotterdam (1992-1996)

  1. Van Mulligen EM, Cornet R, Timmers T
    Integrating legacy systems in a client-server environment
    In: Van der Lei J, Beckers WPA, eds. Proceedings AMICE 95 Conference. Rotterdam: VMBI/TMI Bureau, 1995:267-274

  2. Van Mulligen EM, Cornet R, Timmers T
    Problems with integrating legacy systems
    J AM MED INFORM ASSN 747-751 Suppl. S 1995 pdf

  3. Wybenga JAM, Van Ginneken AM, Stam H, Cornet R, Deckers JW
    Supporting patient care and medical research at a heart failure outpatient clinic using a medical workstation with a computerized patient record
    In: Murray A, Arzbaecher R, eds. Computers in Cardiology 1995. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Inc, 1995: 129-131 doi

  4. Van der Putten N, Vinke R, Citroen M, Cornet R, Van Mulligen EM, Den Boer A
    Integrating medical images, biosignals, and alphanumeric data in a cardiological department
    In: Murray A, Arzbaecher R, eds. Computers in Cardiology 1995. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Inc, 1995: 649-652 doi
1994 1995 top 1992
  1. Cornet R, Van Mulligen EM, Timmers T
    A cooperative model for integration in a cardiology outpatient clinic
    J AM MED INFORM ASSN 590-594 Suppl. S 1994 pdf

  2. Van der Putten N, Nelwan S, Citroen M, Cornet R, Van Mulligen EM, Den Boer A, Meij S
    Experiments with a digital image cathlab database in a distributed processing environment
    In: International Workshop Conference : Integrating Cardiology Information Systems; Mainz, april 1994

  3. Van Mulligen EM, Cornet R, Timmers T
    Hermes: A software architecture enabling post-facto integration of heterogeneous information sources
    In: International Workshop Conference : Integrating Cardiology Information Systems; Mainz, april 1994

  4. Van Mulligen EM, Timmers T, Brand J, Cornet R, Van den Heuvel F, Kalshoven M, Van Bemmel JH
    HERMES - A health-care workstation integration architecture
    INT J BIOMED COMPUT 34: (1-4) 267-275 JAN 1994 doi

Publications related to my Masters' thesis (1991-1992)

  1. De Jong N, Cornet R, Lancee CT
    Higher harmonics of vibrating gas-filled microspheres .1. Simulations
    ULTRASONICS 32: (6) 447-453 NOV 1994 doi

  2. De Jong N, Cornet R, Lancee CT
    Higher harmonics of vibrating gas-filled microspheres .2. Measurements
    ULTRASONICS 32: (6) 455-459 NOV 1994 doi
1992 1994 top
  1. Cornet R
    The ultrasonic, nonlinear behaviour of encapsulated gas-filled bubbles [Master Thesis].
    Delft: Delft University of Technology; 1992.