Curriculum Vitae of Ronald Cornet



Ronald Cornet holds a position as full professor in Medical Informatics, principal investigator and principal educator at the department of Medical Informatics in the Amsterdam Public Health research institute, Amsterdam UMC.

He leads a research group on "reusable health data", in which research focuses on semantic interoperability, both from a technical perspective and from a users' point of view, as a key component to establishing FAIR data for healthcare and research. His research has resulted in over 100 journal publications and over 80 peer-reviewed conference proceedings. See the list of publications for a complete bibliography. Ronald has supervised 10 completed PhD-projects.

Ronald is involved in health care information standardization, among others as member of the Dutch, European (CEN) and global (ISO) standardization committees on health informatics. He is also involved in SNOMED International, which is responsible for maintenance and further development of SNOMED CT. He chairs the IMIA working group on Language and Meaning in Biomedicine, and participates in various international projects: European Joint Programme Rare Diseases (EJP-RD), CAPABLE, LEAPfROG, PaLaDIn, and C4C.

Ronald holds a Basic Teaching Qualification and is involved in both organization of education and in teaching at the University of Amsterdam. This teaching involves information modeling, knowledge representation and semantic interoperability in health care. He has supervised research work of over 50 students (at BSc and MSc level). He is a four-time awardee of the best-teacher price in the Medical Informatics curriculum at the University of Amsterdam.

Education and Work Experience

2024 -Full Professor in Medical Informatics - Reusable Health Data at dept of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam Public Health Institute, Amsterdam UMC (Academic Medical Center) - University of Amsterdam
2021 - Principal Educator at dept of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam Public Health Institute, Amsterdam UMC (Academic Medical Center) - University of Amsterdam
2020 - Principal Investigator at dept of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam Public Health Institute, Amsterdam UMC (Academic Medical Center) - University of Amsterdam
2017 - 2024Associate Professor at dept of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam Public Health Institute, Amsterdam UMC (Academic Medical Center) - University of Amsterdam
1998 - 2017Assistant Professor at dept of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam Public Health Institute, Amsterdam UMC (Academic Medical Center) - University of Amsterdam
2012 - 2017Visiting associate professor (Gästlektor) at Medical Informatics research group, Department of Biomedical Engineering (Linköping University)
2007 - 2015Consultant for the Dutch ICT institute in health care (Nictiz) on "preparing implementation of SNOMED CT in the Netherlands"
2000 - 2006PhD student at dept of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam
Thesis "Methods for auditing medical terminological systems"
1996 - 1998Software Engineer at dept of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam
1992 - 1996Scientific programmer at dept of Medical Informatics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
1986 - 1992Applied Physics at Delft University
Doctoral internship at dept of Experimental Echocardiography, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Thesis "The ultrasonic, nonlinear behaviour of encapsulated gas-filled bubbles"
1980-1986Secondary school ("Gymnasium β"): Christelijk College "Marnix van St. Aldegonde"
Exams in Dutch, English, German, Latin, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
1974-1980Primary school ("Basisschool"): Bos en Duinschool


year description
1968Born in Haarlem



1992 -Ronald published over 100 publications. He edited proceedings of various conferences and a special issue of the Journal of Biomedical Informatics on Auditing of Terminologies.
See Publications for the full list

Grants & Contracts

2024 - 2031Work package and workstream leader in COFUND-funded European Rare Disease Research Alliance - ERDERA (HORIZON-HLTH-2023-DISEASE-07 #101156595)
2024 - 2028Work package leader in WIDERA-funded Fostering FAIR Data and Standards in Rare Hematological Diseases - HemaFAIR (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02-01 #101159589)
2024 - 2028Work package leader in IMI-funded Patient Lifestyle and Disease Data Interactium - PaLaDIn (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-02 #101132943)
2022 - 2027Work package leader in NWO-funded "LEAPfROG - LEveraging real-world dAta to optimize PharmacotheRapy outcomes in multimOrbid patients by using machine learning and knowledGe representation methods" (KICH1.ST01.20.011)
2018 - 2024Third-party expert in IMI-funded "conect4children - COllaborative Network for European Clinical Trials For Children"
2019 - 2023Participant in Horizon2020-funded European Joint Programme Rare Diseases - EJP-RD (H2020-SC1-2018-Single-Stage-RTD; # 825575)
2019 - 2023Work Package leader in Horizon2020-funded project CAPABLE (SC1-DTH-01-2019; # 875052 - Cancer Patients' Better Life Experience)
2019 - 2022Project leader on AMC-funded project "Easy and high-quality capture and use of diagnosis data"
2018 - 2021Participant in Horizon2020-funded project FAIR4Health (SwafS-2018-1; # 824666 - Improving Health Research in EU through FAIR Data)
2019 - 2020Project leader on APH-funded project "Requirements for an Interactive voice response system for provision of cancer information to patients and general public in Uganda"
2016 - 2016Project expert for "Acceleration project for Intensive Care data capture" for The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU)
2015 - 2016Participant in Horizon2020-funded project (PHC-34-2014) (# 643818) ASSESS-CT
2014 - 2015Project leader and subject matter expert for development of education on "Facilitating clinical data capture at the point-of-care" for The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU)
2014 - 2015Co-leader for the Health chapter of Amsterdam Data Science
2007 - 2015Advisor to the SNOMED CT National Release Center for the Dutch ICT Institute in Health Care (Nictiz)
2010 - 2014Co-leader for the project "Computing Healthcare Quality Indicators Automatically"
2007 - 2010Workpackage leader in EU-funded NephroQUEST Initiative.
2009 Project leader on "Evaluation of SNOMED CT for the perioperative process" for the Dutch ICT Institute in Health Care (Nictiz)
2009 Consultant for Furore
2003 Co-leader in project "Introduction of a Clinical Terminology in The Netherlands" for the Dutch ICT Institute in Health Care (Nictiz)

Externally funded PhD-students

2014 -Gerard Burger, supported by Symbiant
2016 - 2023Hugo van Mens, supported by ChipSoft
2018 - 2022Martijn Kersloot, funded by Castor
2016 - 2022Johnblack Kabukye, funded by Bank of Africa
2010 - 2015Tom Oluoch, funded by CDC-USA
2006 - 2011Leila Ahmadian, funded by Iranian department of Ministry of health and medical education sciences

PhD Thesis Supervision (promotor)

2023-11-22 Philip Van Damme - Improving the Interoperability of Biomedical Research Data
2023-10-11 Eva Klappe - The solution is the problem list
2023-06-13 Hugo van Mens - From jargon to clarity - On patient access to electronic health records and patient-friendly terminology
2022-04-22 Martijn Kersloot - FAIR Data in Medical Research - Incorporating the FAIR Principles in the Research Data Life Cycle
2022-03-17 Johnblack Kabukye - Digitalizing Oncology in Africa - A Design Science Research Approach

PhD Thesis Supervision (co-promotor)

2019-06-27 Erik Joukes - Implementing structured data in Electronic Health Records
2015-05-12 Tom Oluoch - Electronic Medical Records and Clinical Decision Support Systems in HIV Care in Resource-limited Settings
2014-05-19 Kathrin Dentler - Computing Healthcare Quality Indicators Automatically - Secondary Use of Patient Data and Semantic Interoperability
2013-12-17 Dennis Lee Hon Kit - The Science and Practice of SNOMED CT Implementation
2011-01-26 Leila Ahmadian - Data Interchange Standards in Healthcare: Semantic Interoperability in Preoperative Assessment
2010-12-17 Ferishta Bakhshi-Raiez - Terminological Systems and Prognostic Models as Instruments for Quality Assessment in Intensive Care

PhD Thesis Committees

2024-09-24 Pablo Alarcón Moreno (Technical University of Madrid) - Applying deep semantics to the representation of clinical data to improve machine usability
2024-02-28 Marilon van Doorn (University of Amsterdam) - Revolutionizing youth mental health - Unlocking hope and healing: A digital transdiagnostic moderated social therapy platform (ENYOY) for youth with emerging mental health complaints
2024-02-09 Esmée Tensen (University of Amsterdam) - Digital dermatology in general practice. Past, present and future
2022-12-13 Erica Barbazza (University of Amsterdam) - Making performance indicators work: Studies exploring the actionability of healthcare performance indicators applied to primary health care and COVID-19 decision-making
2020-06-22 Sven van Laere (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) - An end-to-end flow analysis of the Belgian ePrescription
2019-01-08 Benedikt Becker (Erasmus University Rotterdam) - Vaccine Semantics. Automatic methods for recognizing, representing, and reasoning about vaccine-related information
2017-01-27 Annet Sollie (VU University Amsterdam) - Reuse and Sharing of Electronic Health Record Data - with a focus on Primary Care and Disease Coding
2015-07-28 María del Carmen Legaz García (University of Murcia) - Integración de Información Biomédica basada en Tecnologías Semánticas Avanzadas
2014-08-18 Ying Ou (University of Sydney) - Automatic Population of Structured Reports from Narrative Pathology Reports
2011-01-20 György Surján (University of Amsterdam) - Barriers and challenges of using medical coding systems
2010-09-10 Mikael Nyström (Linköping University) - Enrichment of Terminology Systems for Use and Reuse in Medical Information Systems (faculty opponent)
2008-09-05 Zharko Aleksovski (VU University Amsterdam) - Using background knowledge in ontology matching

Program committees

2019Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences (SWAT4HCLS) - Scientific Program Committee Chair
2017Informatics for Health - Scientific Program Committee Chair
2015MIE: Medical Informatics Europe - Scientific Program Committee Chair for Proceedings (editor)
2012ICBO: International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies - Chair of Scientific Program Committee
2011MIE: Medical Informatics Europe
200911th International Protégé Conference - Chair of Organizing Committee
2008KR-MED: Workshop on Knowledge Representation in Biomedicine - Chair of Scientific Program Committee
2004KR-MED: Workshop on Knowledge Representation in Biomedicine - Chair of Organizing Committee

Editorial board and Reviews (selection)

Research Boards & Committees

2023 - Chair of the Amsterdam Public Health - Digital Health Program
2022 - Member of the Mapping Task Force of the WHO
2022 - Member of the project Sounding Board "Responsible AI in occupational healthcare"
2018 - Steering committee member for Kidney Biopsy Codes project
2018 - Member of the seed group for the Rare Disease GO FAIR Implementation Network
2019 - 2023Chair of the Executive Board of GO-FAIR
2012 - 2018Steering committee member of the International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO)
2016 - 2017Program council member for the Global Health program of the Amsterdam Public Health research institute
2013 - 2014Advisory board member of FP7 SemanticHealthNet Project
2013 - 2014Dutch Language Chair (associated member) in the Mantra project, supported by FP7 Programme on ICT (# 296410)


2020 - President of the Dutch Society for Health Care Informatics (VMBI)
2015 - Chair of IMIA working group "Language and Meaning in Biomedicine"
2015 - Member of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) Modeling Advisory Group
2008 - Member of the Council of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI)
2007 - Member of the AMC selection committee for the Amsterdam Merit Scholarships programme (AMS)
2007 - Member of the Dutch Norm Committee 303006 "Informatievoorziening in de zorg"
2010 - 2015Member of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) Technical Committee
2009 - 2012Member of the AMC committee on qualification in education
2008 - 2011Chair of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) Implementation Special Interest Group
2007 - 2010Member of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) Quality Assurance Committee
2003 - 2010Co-chair of AMIA Working group on Knowledge Representation and Semantics
2007 - 2009Member of the Netherlands' Society of Anesthesiologists (NVA) working group "Minimal Dataset pre-operative assessment". See also the (Dutch) article on this topic: Eerste stap naar eenduidige informatie".
2006 - 2009Board member / vice-chairman of the Dutch Society for Health Care Informatics (VMBI)
2007 - 2008Member of the Dutch HL7 technical committee "Health and Clinical"
2006 - 2007Member of AMIA Education committee
2003 - 2004Co-chair of AMIA Student Working Group

Invited presentations

2024Keynote "Using real-world health data - more than meets the AI" - 5th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences, Amsterdam
2022Keynote "Duurzaam duurt het langst? - HL7 NL Working Group meeting, Hilversum
2022Keynote "Data-driven healthcare - Today's research for tomorrow's healthcare", SMITH Conference, Berlin
2019Keynote "Semantic interoperability in Healthcare", German Medical Informatics Conference, Dortmund
2019Invited talk "From care data to FAIR data", Amsterdam Medical Data Science
2018Invited talk "Use of routinely collected health data for computing outcomes", i~HD Workshop "Data Quality", Paris
2017Invited talk "SNOMED CT in the Netherlands - Implementation and application of SNOMED CT", TMF Workshop "Semantic Interoperability", Berlin
2016Keynote "Talen naar gestructureerde zorginformatie", TiNT-dag, Bilthoven
2016Invited talk "Using AI in the clinic - a case study for the Netherlands", AI in health and life sciences, London, UK
2016Invited talk "The Dutch approach towards Point-of-care data capture", Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
2014Keynote "Impact of ontologies in healthcare and biomedical research", Infors@lud, XVII Congreso Nacional de Informática de la Salud 2014, Madrid, Spain
2014Invited talk "Collection and use of clinical and administrative data", Aalborg University, Denmark
2013Invited talk "SNOMED CT Implementation - Implications & Barriers", Aalborg University, Denmark
2013Invited talk "SNOMED - terug van (nooit) weggeweest", Pathologie 2.13, Utrecht
2012Invited talk "SNOMED CT and the ICU - background and activities", University of Victoria, BC, Canada
2010Invited plenary talk "Terminology Standards in the Netherlands", IHIC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2009Invited talk "Europe's next top model - Health 3.0", University of Utah, United States
2008Invited plenary talk "Het EPD is een succes als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel", Nationaal EPD Congres, Bussum
2008Invited plenary talk "SNOMED CT - 'De semantische standaard' van de toekomst?", NvMM congres, Arnhem
2008Invited plenary talk at The First Iranian Conference Of Hospital Automation, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran
2006Invited talk "Methods for Auditing and Applying Medical Terminological Systems", ErasmusMC, Rotterdam
2006Invited plenary talk "Realizing a European research infrastructure in Nephrology with HL7 version 3", HL7 Jahrestagung, Gießen, Germany

Online presence; interviews, videos, and more

2021-04-19📹 Data delen in een mens-machine netwerk Presentation for the meetup of the Dutch "informatieberaad" zorg
2020-10-08📹 SNOMED CT - for instance(s) Presentation for the SNOMED CT Expo 2020
2020-07-15📹 SNOMED CT - OWL in a FAIR web of data Presentation for the SNOMED CT Research Web Series
2019-09-11📹 From Care Data to FAIR Data Keynote at German Medical Informatics Conference, Dortmund
2016-04-01📹 Appearance in video Master - Medical Informatics
2016-04-01📹 Appearance in video Bachelor - Medische informatiekunde
2015-02-09📰 Appearance in newspaper article Ronald overleeft angstig avontuur op Noorse ijsschots
2013-11-23📹 Appearance in NTR documentaire Bonte Vrouwen
2013-01-30📹 Appearance in Vonder & Bloom - Not Like You videoclip
2009-11-12📹 Europe's next top model - Health 3.0. Grand Rounds presentation at School of Medicine of University of Utah

Research-related Awards

2015Rolf Hansen award for best paper on EHR implementation at 26th Medical Informatics Europe conference (MIE2015): Joukes E, Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A, De Bruijne M, De Keizer NF. End-User Expectations During an Electronic Health Record Implementation: a Case Study in Two Academic Hospitals
2015Joachim W. Dudeck award for best research paper at 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference (IHIC 2015): Smits M, Kramer E, Harthoorn M, Cornet R. A comparison of two Detailed Clinical Model representations: FHIR and CDA
2014Distinguished paper award at 8th International Conference On Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2014): Schulz S, Martínez Costa C, Karlsson D, Cornet R, Brochhausen M, Rector A. An Ontological Analysis of Reference in Health Record Statements
2013Mario Stefanelli award for best student paper at 14th Conference On Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2013): Dentler K, Cornet R. Redundant Elements in SNOMED CT Concept Definitions
2009Selected as Best Paper for IMIA Yearbook 2009: Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A. Auditing Description-Logic-based Medical Terminological Systems by Detecting Equivalent Concept Definitions
2005Distinguished Paper Award, AMIA 2005: Cornet R, Abu-Hanna A. Two DL-based Methods for Auditing Medical Terminological Systems



2008 Basic qualification in education

Coordination of education

2014 - Course "Eenmalige registratie, meervoudig gebruik", Master Health informatics
2011 - 2014Course "Databases & Computer Networks", Bachelor Medical informatics
2001 - 2011Course "Software Engineering Project", Bachelor Medical informatics
2006 - 2009Course "Registratie & Classificatie", Bachelor Medical informatics
2004 - 2005Medical Informatics Symposium, Bachelor Medical informatics

Educational committees

2017 - Committee on new curriculum for BSc Medical informatics (chair)
2007 - AMC selection committee for the Amsterdam Merit Scholarships programme (AMS) (member)
2012 - 2017Committee for Public Relations & Marketing of Bachelor & Master program (chair)
2009 - 2012AMC committee on qualification in education (member)
2006 - 2007Educational Committee of the American Medical Informatics Association (member)
2002 - 2003Commissie I-component in het kader van herziening MIK onderwijs (member)

Teaching activities (selection)

Ronald has supervised research work of over 30 students (at BSc and MSc level).
2017 - Topic "Reasoning with health data" in "Data-driven decision making and evaluation in medicine" (MSc MI)
2015 - Topic "Standardized information models" in "Databases" (BSc Mi)
2014 - Course "Eenmalige registratie, meervoudig gebruik", Master Health informatics
2007 - Topic "Coding systems" in "Introduction to Medical Informatics" (BSc Mi)
2003 - Topic "Structuring and Standardization of Health Records" in "Registratie en Classificatie" (BSc Mi)
2006 - 2016Topic "Terminology systems" in "Medical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning" (MSc MI)
2011 - 2014Topic "SQL, ER-modeling, RDM" in "Databases" (BSc Mi)
2001 - 2012Supervision of 2nd years' students in projects in "Software Engineering Project" (BSc Mi)
2001 - 2011Topic "UML modelling" in "Software Engineering theory" (BSc Mi)
2005 - 2009Lecture "Terminology systems" and working group "De principes van programmeren" in Amsterdam International Medical Summer School (AIMSS) - Health Informatics: the Role of Informatics In Health Care
2003 - 2005Topic "terminology" in "Medical Information Technology" (MSc MI)
1999 - 2002AMC In-house course "Bouwen van onderzoeksdatabases met behulp van SPSS Data Entry"
1994 - 1996Practical "Huisartsinformatiesystemen" Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Invited lectures

2022Applying FAIR data principles, Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia
2022Ontologies, Schemas, and FAIR practices, InterHealth2022 - Scientific School Interoperability in Healthcare, Sardinia, Italy
2017 - 2022Data models, terminologies, and ontologies, International Summer School Rare Disease & Orphan Drug Registries, Rome
2011Guest lecture "Leren registreren omtrent sederen", UMC Utrecht
2005 - 2007Guest lecture "Coding & Classification" in the Erasmus International Master Health Information Management, Rotterdam
2006Guest lecture "Terminological Reasoning in Clinical Terminologies", Freiburg University, Germany
2005Guest lecture "Registration of Patient Data - The role of Terminological Systems", Mashhad University, Iran
2003Guest lecture "Medical Terminologies" - Information Sciences, UVA
2001Presentation "Project-based education in Software Engineering" at UvA Education Day


2009"Terminological Systems - Understanding, Application and Maintenance". At MIE2009, Sarajevo. (R.Cornet, NF de Keizer)
2006"Use and maintenance of Terminological Systems". At MIE2006, Maastricht. (R.Cornet, NF de Keizer)
2005"Use and maintenance of Terminological Systems". At MIE2005, Geneva, Switserland. (R.Cornet, NF de Keizer)
2003"Understanding Terminological Systems". At MIE2003, Saint Malo, France. (NF de Keizer, R.Cornet, DGT Arts)

Education-related Awards

2018Best Teacher in the Master Program in Medical Informatics at the University of Amsterdam 2017/2018
2015Nominated for Best Teacher in the Master Program in Medical Informatics at the University of Amsterdam 2014/2015
2014Nominated for Best Medical Informatics Teacher in the Bachelor Program in Medical Informatics at the University of Amsterdam 2013/2014
2013Nominated for Best Medical Informatics Teacher in the Bachelor Program in Medical Informatics at the University of Amsterdam 2012/2013
2012Best Teacher in the Bachelor Program in Medical Informatics at the University of Amsterdam 2011/2012
2011Best Teacher in the Bachelor Program in Medical Informatics at the University of Amsterdam 2010/2011
2009Nominated for University of Amsterdam Teacher of the year
2009Best Teacher in the Bachelor Program in Medical Informatics at the University of Amsterdam 2008/2009

Courses and workshops taken

2021Amsterdam UMC Training "Leading hybrid teams"
2019AMC course "Leadership"
2018AMC e-learning course "Leadership" (by Goodhabitz)
2017AMC Symposium & Workshops "Blended learning"
2017AMC Workshop "Making Rubrics"
2017AMC Workshop "Multiple-choice test questions"
2015Elevate Course "Teaching an Online Course"
2013AMC Workshop "Educational objectives, Test blueprint, Test questions & Model answers"
2013AMC Workshop "Intervision"
2011AMC Workshop "Supervision of PhD students"
2011AMC Workshop "Project management"
2007AMC Workshop "Assignments as tests"
2007AMC Course "Lecturing in English for a Diverse Student Population"
2004UvA workshop "Assessment"
2003AMC Workshop "Giving feedback on writing skills"
2003AMC Workshop "Giving feedback on presentation skills"
2000UvA Course "Didactics for assistant professors" by "Centrum voor Nascholing Amsterdam"